Summer is upon us and we welcome days on the beach, family barbeques and open-toe shoes
In summer our feet need more love than any other time of the year. The warmer weather can lead to an increase of sweat in our feet which can increase the risk of fungus.
Below we’ve listed some helpful tips to keep your feet healthy and happy throughout summer.

Prevent Fungal Infections
If you are prone to sweaty feet or smelly feet, you may be more prone to fungal infections. In the warm, summer months, take more time to expose your feet, without socks, to the air more often, especially if you wear shoes and socks all day. Beware of communal showers at swimming pools as foot fungus and warts can be easily acquired in these areas.
Foot Injuries
Going barefoot in the summer is only natural and has some benefits for short periods of time, but is not recommended for outside the home. Too often, injuries occur from punctures or cuts. Always wear covered footwear outside the home or at work. If engaging in water activities, such as canoeing or kayaking, try to wear water shoes or sandals to protect your feet along rocky shorelines or river beds. If an injury as occurred, contact your podiatrist or doctor immediately.
If you are a diabetic shoes should be worn at ALL times to avoid injury. Even the slightest cut can be cause for alarm among people with diabetes where healing can be difficult and can eventually lead to limb amputation if not treated in time.
Heel Care
During the summer, the skin on the bottom of your feet is prone to dryness and cracking due to excessive sweating. In extreme cases, your feet can bleed or become infected. Use a pumice stone on your heels every day in the shower or bath. Apply moisturizer to your heels twice a day. We offer Urea Cream within our clinics which can be beneficial for dry and cracked heels.
Apply Sunscreen
Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet and toes. If your feet are exposed, they will get burned and are prone to skin cancer.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer and above all, keep those feet happy and healthy!
Got any questions? Your podiatrist will be happy to help you!
The team at AC Podiatry