Development of Children’s Feet

Children’s Foot Development

Children’s feet differ from those of adults, as they are not yet fully formed. At 6 months of age the foot is still mostly cartilage, in fact the last bone doesn’t begin until children are about 3 years old. By the time we turn 18 the bones have fully matured.

Babies feet

Babies feet only need protection in the cooler weather. Playsuits with feet, socks or even natural fibre shoes can be used to keep little feet warm, they should always be loose around your babies feet. Allowing time for your baby to kick freely will help ensure muscle development in their legs and feet.

Walking Children

Many children begin to walk at any time between 10 and 20 months of age.  It is important to remember that each child is unique and will move through the development stages at their own pace. Children also roll, crawl and run in their own time. There is no evidence to support that the use of Jolly Jumpers or baby walkers will encourage your baby to walk before they are ready, however, these types of equipment may place additional pressure on feet and in particular the hips, that are not yet ready for taking weight.

When your child first begins to walk, shoes should only be used when protection is needed from the ground. Allowing children to go barefoot or only wearing very soft shoes helps the foot to develop and assists in strengthening muscles.

Sometimes children walk with their feet pointed inwards (in-toeing) or outwards (out-toeing). In most cases, these variations in walking are a normal part of growth and development. Most children will grow out of these walking styles by the age of 2., however it can take until the age of 12. If this walking type in only on one foot or leg, your child is tripping more then seems normal or if your child is school age and not keeping up with their friends in regards to activity such as running and playing, a podiatrist may be able to assist. Children under the age of 3 may sometimes walk on their tip toes and this is a typical development stage, however any child over the age of 3 still walking on tip toe (toe walking) should be assessed by a podiatrist.

Growing Feet

A Child’s foot grows in length and changes in shape over time. Arch development is an individual thing and arch height or lack of an arch does not always indicate that a child will have problems with their feet. If your child has pain or has a flat foot that looks different to their other foot, then a podiatrist can assist.

Due to rapid growth in length and width while young, frequent changes in the size of shoes and socks may be necessary. Do a size check at least every 1 to 3 months up to the age of three and every 4 months up to the age of five and then every 6 months until your child stops growing.

Heel Pain

Heel pain may also occur in growing children, usually between the ages of 8 and 14, and maybe worse during or straight after sporting activities. If your child is experiencing pain at the back of the heel that has limited their activity or causes them to limp a podiatrist can help. Your podiatrist will be able to determine whether or not the heel pain is related to the developments process or something more serious and give advice about ways to alleviate the symptoms.

Children’s Feet Skin and Nails

Problems with skin and nails on your child’s feet may occur from time to time. Some conditions (ingrown toenails, athletes foot and warts) require treatment from a Podiatrist, while others may be helped by a change in hygiene or shoes. Children also tend to be more susceptible to warts than adults. A plantar wart is often on the sole of the foot that appears to be hard and flat, with a rough surface and well-defined boundaries. If the wart is causing discomfort, a podiatrist can assist with treatment.

Children’s Footwear

Shoes should above all, protect your children’s feet.

Fitting Children’s Footwear

  • Always have both feet measured for length
  • Toes should not touch the end of the shoe, otherwise, damage can occur to the nail and toe.
    You need a gap of about 1cm from the end of the largest toe to the shoe
  • Shoes should be broad enough and deep enough –
    If you can see the outline of the foot pressing against the shoe it is the wrong fit
  • Don’t buy shoes that need breaking in.
    Shoes should be comfortable immediately
  • Shop for shoes later in the day
    Most feet tend to swell during the day and it is best to fit shoes when the feet at their largest.

Seek Professional Advice

A check up with a podiatrist is recommended if:

  • you notice uneven shoe wear
  • you notice skin rashes, hard skin lumps or bumps on your child’s feet
  • your child complains of recurrent pain in the feet or legs which also increases with activity
  • your child walks on their tiptoes
  • your child’s walk does not look symmetrical
  • you have any other concerns about your child’s feet


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