Effective Tips For Treating And Preventing Chilblains

Chilblains are a painful and common condition that often arises during the colder months. This happens when the skin reacts to cold, causing irritation and discomfort. While they can cause discomfort, the severity can vary from person to person.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the cause of chilblains on toes, how to prevent them, and share useful tips for managing the condition. We’ll also provide information on common chilblains treatment options that can help relieve symptoms.

What Are Chilblains

Chilblains are red or purple lesions that typically develop on the toes or fingers after exposure to cold weather, followed by rewarming. They are also known as pernio or perniosis and are a localised form of vasculitis.

The condition occurs when the small blood vessels constrict due to the cold and then expand too rapidly when warmed, leading to swelling and irritation in the affected skin. 

Common chilblains symptoms include itchy inflamed toes, redness, swelling, and, in severe cases, ulcers. If untreated, chilblains can worsen, potentially leading to infection. If you notice signs of infection such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge, it’s important to seek professional advice immediately.

What Are The Symptoms

Recognising chilblains symptoms early can help prevent further complications. Symptoms include:

  • Itchy inflamed toes or fingers
  • Red or purple bumps on fingers and toes
  • Swelling and discomfort in the affected area
  • Pain when exposed to cold or when touched
  • Blisters or ulcers in severe cases

If you notice these symptoms, follow the self-care tips above. If the condition doesn’t improve, it’s important to consult a professional for advice.

3 Tips To Prevent And Treat Chilblains

If you’re dealing with chilblains on your toes or fingers, here are some tips to help reduce symptoms and prevent future flare-ups:

1. Keep Your Feet And Hands Warm And Dry

One of the best ways to prevent chilblains is to keep your extremities warm and dry, especially during winter. Properly fitted, insulated footwear and warm socks can maintain healthy circulation in your feet and fingers. Avoid tight shoes that restrict blood flow and opt for moisture-wicking socks that help keep your feet dry.To protect your skin, consider using chilblains cream to create a protective barrier, reducing irritation caused by cold temperatures. Ensure you use the cream as directed for effective results.

2. Gradually Rewarm Your Extremities

After your feet or hands have been exposed to cold, avoid sudden rewarming, which can aggravate the condition. Instead, gently warm the affected skin using warm (not hot) water or a warm cloth. This helps to regulate blood flow and reduces discomfort associated with chilblains on your toes and fingers.

3. Improve Circulation

Poor circulation can contribute to the development of chilblains. To improve blood flow, perform exercises like foot stretches or leg movements to stimulate circulation. If you have poor circulation, staying active and avoiding sitting still for long periods can help. 

Self-care methods, such as elevating your feet, can also improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Treatment Options

If your chilblains on your toes or fingers don’t improve with at-home remedies, there are several treatment options available. These typically focus on relieving symptoms and improving circulation. Common treatment methods include:

  • Topical Creams: Soothing creams can help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.
  • Medications: Medications may be prescribed to improve circulation and relieve pain.
  • Laser Therapy: For more severe cases, laser therapy may help improve blood flow and reduce swelling in the affected area.

If you’re experiencing persistent or worsening chilblains symptoms, it’s important to reach out to a healthcare professional. 

For more information on chilblains treatment, contact us at AC Podiatry for expert advice and solutions. We offer personalised advice and treatment options based on your condition.

Effectively Manage And Prevent Chilblains With The Right Care

Chilblains can be frustrating, especially when the weather turns cold. But with the right chilblains treatment and prevention techniques, you can keep your hands and feet healthy. Remember, chilblains can be prevented by keeping your extremities warm, ensuring proper circulation, and using self-care strategies.

If you have persistent symptoms or need assistance with treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us for expert care.

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