Warts are viral infections on the skin that commonly present on our feet. Warts are most common in children but can present at any age, especially on people with finer skin that is more easily damaged. Some warts go away on their own without treatment but quite often, without medical treatment, they can increase in size and depth and can multiply and spread. They can also become painful if left untreated. The longer warts are left untreated the more stubborn they can be to remove.
Plantar warts are commonly found on the soles of your feet. They are usually small hard bumps that often have black dots in them. Warts on your feet can also present as hard, raised lumps with rough surfaces anywhere on the body. Commonly warts are misdiagnosed as corns and therefore should be properly diagnosed by a medical professional.
Some simple differences between warts and corns include:
- Warts are painful to squeeze and corns are painful to apply direct pressure to
- Warts often have small black dots in the centre of them
- A wart can be found anywhere on the foot and corns occur only in areas of pressure
Warts can also lay dormant yet infectious in our bodies and for infection to occur there must be a break in the skin for the virus to be spread. Warts are commonly spread in public areas such as swimming pools, change rooms and public bathrooms. They are commonly spread by scratching them or being in direct contact with other people who have warts. People with poor immune systems are more prone to getting them but injuries to the skin; sweaty feet, constantly getting your hands wet and/or bitting your nails can also predispose you to warts.
At AC Podiatry, our Podiatrists have several different treatment options that they can discuss with you to remove warts, many of which do not cause any discomfort. These treatment options may include natural therapies, cryrotherapy or freezing, chemical or acid based treatments, cautery or burning and surgical removal. Consultation with a podiatrist will enable you to decide whether the wart requires treatment and what the most appropriate option is for you.