Foot Mobilisation
Foot mobilisation and manipulation is a specific assessment and treatment tool to determine areas of joint restriction within the foot and ankle complex. By determining the patterns of movement, it is then possible to gently mobilise or manipulate the area to restore a normal range of unrestricted motion.
If the joint restriction is long-standing, there can often be poor muscular control, or ligament damage. These factors are taken into consideration as your podiatrist begins to restore function.
Mobilisation can sometimes be used as an alternative to orthotic therapy. Many clients choose to not wear orthoses at all, or only wear them for some of the time. In these situations, the use of manipulation and exercises to strengthen the foot can be a very effective combination.

Our podiatrists are happy to look at combinations of treatments to provide our clients with the best possible outcomes. This can mean an initial block of appointments to restore joint mobility and function before introducing strengthening exercises for long term management. At this point, orthoses are sometimes used to provide support and stability in running or walking shoes for exercise rather than across all footwear choices.
Manipulation will often reduce swelling around the feet and ankles as function improves.
Each member of the AC Podiatry team has had quality training in manual therapies including FMT (Foot Mobilisation Techniques) and you can be confident that we can find the right solution for you.